- Nikolay TsankovTrakia University, Faculty of Education, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
- Sofiq Hristova DermendjievaSouth-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Pedagogy, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
preschool, multimodal educational environment, multiliteracy, multisemiosisAbstract
In the contextual field of environmental composition in kindergarten, transforming it into a space for cognitive, social, emotional, i.e., holistic formation and development of the child, multimodality operates with authenticity, magnetism, multilevelity, multidimensionality, and dynamism to overcome schematicity and linearity of thinking, thus stimulating imagination. Leading the way is the understanding that the environmental composing of multimodality in kindergarten is the foundation of quality for the child’s cognitive, affective, sensory cognition and self-knowledge. This paper outlines the parameters of evaluating multimodal digital resources designed by students preparing for future kindergarten teachers. The starting points for their expertise in the relations of autonomy, coherence, justification, adequacy and authenticity as subjectively significant and objective wholes of multimodal composing are argued. Criteria and indicators for the expert evaluation of digital resources for multimodal environmental composing in kindergarten, as modeling and provoking and enriching the individual sensory experience of the child, as an opportunity to stimulate cognitive and personal activity are derived. It is necessary to conclude that through the design of multimodal digital resources, the existing contradictions in the starting conditions of the pedagogical interaction in the kindergarten will be overcome. The main recommendation points to the need for specific training of future children’s teachers for multimodal environmental composition of educational practices in kindergarten, synergizing different modalities, rather than their linear sequential environmental combination.
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