المراجع | أدب الحرب الباردة: كتابة الصراع الكوني (2024)

أدب الحرب الباردة: كتابة الصراع الكوني

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  • Anon., “Bail Posted for Communists,” New York Times, 25 July 1951, 12.

  • ______, “N. N. Shpanov,” Literatunaia Gazeta, 5 October 1961, 4.

  • ______, ‘Seminar Sponsored by the Afro-Asian Writers’ Bureau to Commemorate the 25th Anniversary of Chairman Mao’s “Talks”, Chinese Literature, 9 (1967), 48–56.

  • ______, ‘Performance by Somali Artists’ Delegation, Chinese Literature, II (1967), 137.

  • ______, Revolutionary Songs and Dances, Militant Friendship, Chinese Literature, 12 (1967), 102–6.

  • ______, “The World’s Revolutionary People Enthusiastically Translate and Publish Chairman Mao’s Works’, Chinese Literature, 11-12 (1969), 154–6.

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  • Boullosa, Carmen, They’re Cows, IWe’re Pigs, trans. Leland H. Chambers (1991; New York: Grove Press, 199?).

  • ______, Cleopatra Dismounts, trans. Geoff Hargreaves (1992; New York: Grove Press, 2003).

  • Bowart, Walter, Operation Mind Control (London: Fontana/Collins, 1978).

  • Bowen, Elizabeth, The Heat of the Day, new edn. (1949; London: Vintage, 1998).

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  • Bulychev, Kir, Kak stat Fantastom (Moscow: Drofa, 2003).

  • Bürger, Peter, Theory of the Avant-Garde, trans. Michael Shaw (1981; Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984).

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  • Callinicos, Alex, Wonders Taken for Signs: Homi Bhabha’s Postcolonialism, in Teresa L. Ebett and Donald Morton, eds., Post-ality: Marxism and Postcolonialism (Washington: Maisonneuve Press, 1995), 98–112.

  • Calvino, Italo, Why Read the Classics, trans. Martin McLaughlin (1991: London: Jonathan Cape, 1999).

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  • Castaneda, Jorge, Utopia Unarmed: The Latin American Left after the Cold War (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993).

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  • Castro, Fidel, History Will Absolve Me, in Castro, Revolutionary Struggle 1947–1958: Volume I of the Selected Works of Fidel Castro, eds., Rolando E. Bonachea and Nelson P. Valdés (Cambridge, MA, and London: MIT Press, 1972), 164–221.

  • Cavafy, C. P., Selected Poems, trans. Edmund Keeley and Philip Shettard (London: Hogarth Press, 1975).

  • Chanoff, David and Doan Van Toai, Portrait of the Enemy (New York: Random House, 1986).

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  • Chen, Xiaomei, Acting the Right Part: Political Theater and Popular Drama in Contemporary China (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2002).

  • Childress, Alice, Florence, printed in Masses & Mainstream, 3 (October 1950), 34–47.

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  • ______, Wine in the Wilderness (1969), in Elizabeth Brown-Guillory, ed., Wine in the Wilderness: Plays by African American Women front the Harlam Renaissance to the Present (New York and London: Greenwood Press, 1990).

  • ______, Mojo, printed in Black World, 20 (April 1971), 54–82.

  • ______, Trouble in Mind, in Lindsay Patterson, ed., Black Theatre (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1971).

  • ______, A Hero Ain't Nothing But a Sandwich (New York: Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, 1973).

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  • ______, A Short Walk (New York: Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, 1979).

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  • Chinodya, Shimmer, Harvest of Thorns, new edn. (1989; London: Heinemann, 1992).

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  • Cnquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine, Africa: Endurance and Change South of the Sahara, trans. David Maisel (1985; Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988).

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  • Cortazar, Julio, Hopscotch, trans. G. Rabassa (1963; New York: Pantheon, 1966).

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  • Culture and Working Life Project, Albie Sachs Muse Not Worry, in Ingrid de Kok and Karen Press, eds., Spring Is Rebellions: Arguments almost Cultural Freedom (Cape Town: Buchu Books, 1990), 99–103.

  • Curry, Jane Leftwitch, ed., The Black Book of Polish Censorship (New York: Random House, 1984).

  • Da Cunha, Euclides, Rebellion in the Backlands, trans. Samuel Putnam (1902; London: Gollanz, 1944).

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  • Derrida, Jacques, Living On: Border Lines, trans. James Hulbett, in Harold Bloom, et al., Deconstruction and Criticism, new edn. (1979; New York: Continuum, 1986), 75–176.

  • Di-Shazer, Mary K., A Poetics of Resistance: Women Writing in El Salvador, South Africa, and the United States (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994).

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  • ______, Incognito, trans. Norman Denny (New York: Macmillan, 1964).

  • Dunn, Tony, The Real History Man: Howard Barker’s Plays for Spring 1985, Drama—The Quarterly Theatre Review (TQTR), 155 (Spring 1985), 9–11.

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  • Esterhazy, Peter, Bevezetés a szépirodalomba (Budapest: Magvetô, 1986).

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  • Fanon, Frantz, The Wretched of the Earth, new edn., trans. Constance Farrington (1961; London: Penguin, 1967).

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